Friday, September 13, 2013

Reorganizing Collections

The good news is the reasons for my lack of posts of late are not of the "lazy" or "burnt out" variety.

Since the move we have been reassessing our lives. Preparing for what's next. Organizing everything so we can be ready for the new chapter. For whatever reason Jonathan and I both feel like something big is on the horizon. Neither of us have any clue what it is, so all we can do is make ourselves ready mentally, physically and spiritually.

I have a multitude of interests. The photography, the styling, the vintage clothes, the writing of this here blog, so I figure I should reorganize it too. Rebrand. I have a vision to make it bigger ... to get more amazing ladies I know to contribute, to feature more topics interesting and empowering to women like me. So, beyond being busy preparing for whatever lays before us I'm organizing ideas to give this little spot on the www a big fat make-over. Until then I'll still do posts, but I hope you'll bare with me in the lack of frequency.

While preparing what was supposed to be a "here's our new place" post I realized all the images were of collections. Records, art, photographs, vintage. Collections we've painstakingly purged and reshaped (too bad you weren't there for THAT vinyl liquidation) for best use and display in our new place, which we love.

It only took a moment for me to see the metaphor.


  1. Your place looks so vintagy and beautiful, kind of jelly :D

  2. YOur home looks amazing, so much life and personality! I love these periods when everything is And I am curious to see the result.
    Simona Lake&Moon

  3. What a beautiful home! I love how everything looks perfect, but not in an uptight, unwelcoming way. It actually looks like real people with real personalities live there :)

  4. Your home looks great Ashley! I am happy you're more settled in now- YAY! And I can COMPLETELY understand the lack of posts thing...same here! Glad to see a post! XO!


  5. Very nice place!

  6. Looks AMAZING, and that rack of vintage clothes makes me want to reach out and try and start pulling things to have a closer look….

  7. I love how you have organised this and I agree with Simona, I love it when stuff is cooking up!

    Maria xxx

  8. Aww, your new place is so adorable. And I'm excited to hear that you have some big ideas for your blog! I can't wait to see what's coming :)

    Xo, Hannah

  9. I'm so in love with your home! It looks SOO pretty and bright and homy and vintage and I want your jewelry please :)
    I really get the feeling of the reorganizing, I've also been spending more time offline and am cleaning out my childhood closet (where I cramped in loads of stuff over the past few years) and am figuring out what the next step on my plate will be. I do see big things ahead for you already! Your house seems to be ready and I can't wait to see more of that blog make-over :)


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