Sunday, January 15, 2012

Fun with Phones

Hello Weekenders. Jonathan and I finally got a day all to ourselves. The past couple of weeks we were drifting by each other preoccupied with a million other things happening. So yesterday we decided to stop....and it was lovely. It was a mild weather havin' taco feasting thrift store perusing suicide slurpee sippin shopping cart surfin kinda day. Then to top it all off Fort Worth invaded Dallas via Club Da Da and I watched 4 amazing bands with all my homies and homegirls from o'er yonder. 

Wearing: Gibraud Cutoffs, Target Dotted Tights, Vintage Boots from Dolly Python,  Husband's Hat and Thrifted everything else.

So my camera has been "being serviced" for nearly a month, and I'm pretty sad about it. However, I've gradually become entirely enthralled with iphone photo apps. As you can see (or maybe not, so let me tell you) I'm wearing Gibraud cut offs. Remember when these were the jam? No? Me neither, but my husband is an old man, and he does. He used to rock these pretty hard apparently. Probably while wearing Drakkar Noir. 

Sayonara Suckerrrs!

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